Premium Bike Shoe Cleaner - 250ml

SKU Code: 20336

Keep those shoes clean! Our Muc-Off Premium Bike Shoe Cleaner makes it easy to get rid of dirt, grime and odours from the outer material of your MTB, gravel or road cycling shoes. It’s a non-toxic, yet super powerful cleaner that’s not only safe for you and your shoes but the environment too. Look fresh, ride rad! Read more

  • shoes
  • technical apparel
  • Free delivery over €50
    Free delivery over €50
  • No customs fees (shipped from EU)
    No customs fees (shipped from EU)
  • Free Muc-Off sticker with every order
    Free Muc-Off sticker with every order

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The ultimate premium bike shoe cleaner is here to clean up your act. It gets to work immediately, tackling grime, dirt & odour on the outer materials of your bike shoe. With a non-toxic formula, it's mega powerful but safe for the environment.


  • Powerful cleaning performance
  • Doesn’t compromise breathability
  • Suitable and safe - specifically designed for bike shoes
  • Description

    Utrzymuj buty w czystości! Nasz środek czyszczący Muc-Off Premium Bike Shoe Cleaner ułatwia pozbycie się brudu, osadu i zapachów z zewnętrznej warstwy butów MTB, gravelowych lub szosowych. To nietoksyczny, ale supermocny środek czyszczący, który jest bezpieczny nie tylko dla Ciebie i Twoich butów, ale także dla środowiska. Wyglądaj świeżo, jeździj zajebiście!

    To nietoksyczny, ale wysoce wydajny neutralny środek czyszczący, który skutecznie usuwa wiele zabrudzeń i plam, nie wpływając na oddychalność materiałów. Opracowany bez żadnych agresywnych chemikaliów ani materiałów ściernych, aby zapewnić bezpieczeństwo stosowania na szerokiej gamie materiałów stosowanych w butach. Został przetestowany na ponad 60 butach wykonanych z bardzo szerokiej gamy materiałów, w tym: tkanin naturalnych, tkanin syntetycznych, tkanin technicznych, zamszu, nubuku, skóry i innych tkanin*.

    *Przed użyciem zapoznaj się z instrukcją producenta obuwia.


    • Biodegradable, environmentally friendly, water-based formula
    • Powerful cleaning performance
    • Doesn’t compromise breathability
    • Suitable and safe - specifically designed for bike shoes
    • Safe on technical fabrics, suede, nubuck, leather and other fabrics*
    • Perfect for preparing your footwear for fresh waterproofing/re-proofer treatments such as Muc-Off Premium Footwear Shield
    • Handy sized 250ml spray bottle

    *Check your shoe manufacturer care instructions before use.

  • HOW TO

    1. Shake the bottle vigorously to activate the formula.
    2. Brush off any loose dirt with Muc-Off Premium Bike Shoe Scrubber then simply spray onto the areas you wish to clean. 
    3. Leave for up to a minute for the formula to break down dirt and grime.
    4. Agitate any stubborn grime with our shoe cleaning brush before wiping off with a damp, clean cloth.
    5. Allow to air dry naturally.

    Top Tips!

    You can dip the brush in a bowl of warm water to help rinse between cleaning each section of the shoe. You can also remove the laces and allow to soak in the cleaner fluid to remove any stubborn stains!


    How many pairs of shoes can I clean/treat per bottle?

    Depending on how much you use the 250ml bottle will clean/treat around 6 pairs of shoes.

    Can I use the kit on motorcycle boots or trainers?

    Yes, the products have been developed to be safe to use on both motorcycle boots and trainers too.

  • Reviews

  • Powerful cleaning performance

    Specifically designed for bike shoes. Suitable and safe to use on technical fabrics without compromising breathability.

  • Spotless Results

    Powerful cleaning performance that's biodegradable & environmentally friendly.